Romance and Love

romance A little late for Valentine’s Day but still… Romantic Comedies

Romantic Dramas

Paranormal Romance

Mariah’s Favorite Romantic Book

Droids & Dragons

Don’t forget about our new sci-fi/fantasy book club, Droids & Dragons this coming Tuesday (Feb 25)! This club is open to teens in grade 7 and up, as well as any adults who would also like to participate.

Meet in the Teen Room at 6:30 pm for excellent discussion of the genres, sharing your favorite titles, choosing our reading list, and some homemade cookies.

Review: The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

raven“There are only two reasons a non-seer would see a spirit on St. Mark’s Eve,” Neeve said. “Either you’re his true love . . . or you killed him.”

Blue has been told her entire life by her psychic family that when she kisses her true love he will die. Then, on a haunted evening Blue sees his specter and hears his voice. She will find her true love this year and he will most likely die. Meanwhile in a the same town, four boys attending the local posh boarding school, Aglionby, are on a quest to discover a magically sleeping Welsh king hidden somewhere in the mountains. Gansey, Ronan, Adam, and Noah are extremely different and each hordes their own secrets. When the group comes slamming into Blue’s life, she is caught off guard and pulled into the search for Glyndwr the sleeping king. But they are not the only people looking for the king and the power that will belong to whoever wakes him up…

Perhaps the easiest way to describe this book is that reading it is a consuming experience. Steifvater’s lyrical writing wraps your brain in a magical and mysterious fog that you won’t want to shake off. Steifvater is more concerned with how the words feel to the reader  than making clear what exactly just happened in the story. Moreover, while the story in The Raven Boys is interesting, the characters and their relationships with each other make this a stand out novel. Blue, each Raven Boy, and the members of Blue’s family are complex and nuanced. How they interact with each other with wickedly clever, fast-paced dialogue is even more so. Fans of fantasy and contemporary realism will each find things to love about this book!

5/5 Stars